Resonant modes and frequencies - by analyzing the response of the system to a short pulse, one can extract the frequencies, decay rates, and field patterns of the harmonic modes of a system (including waveguide and cavity modes, and including losses).?’A.Transmission and reflection spectra - by Fourier-transforming the response to a short pulse, a single simulation can yield the scattering amplitudes over a wide spectrum of frequencies.?’A. Enable correct operation and passed test suite when MEEP_SINGLE (single-precision) mode is enabled in meep.hpp thanks to Seyoon Kim for the bug reports.?’A.Meep's scriptable interface makes it possible to combine many sorts of computations (along with multi-parameter optimization etcetera) in sequence or in parallel.What's New in This Release:?’A Green's functions) in response to an arbitrary source, archetypically a CW (fixed) input.Using these results, one can then compute many other things, such as the local density of states (from the trace of the Green's function).