The test begins with a historical overview of the evolution of dentin bonding touching on chemical development. Descriptions and photographs are arranged for quick and succinct reference. The subject matter is nicely organized and readily useful to both the seasoned clinician and the new practitioner. With the advent of dentin bonding, its evolution and explosive use among dental consumers, this text provides an expansive overview of available mainstream materials and their relative clinical application. ( 369 pages, 439 illustrations price $128.00 ) This text is wonderfully written and presents the reader with basic, useful information for successful bonding procedures. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc, Carol Stream, IL, 1999 : ISBN 0‐86715‐370‐9. Jean‐Francois Roulet and Michel Degrange.

Several tables categorize the myriad of available A reader should come away with a thorough understanding of what works well and common pitfalls. Clearly drawn in this text are the do's and don'ts of dental adhesive use. Further reference in subsequent chapters leads the discussion towards mechanical and adsorption theories as they relate to bond promotion for enamel and dentin. Scanning micrographs are clearly displayed to give a reader an ideal view of collagenous dentin with resin penetration.

Adhesion: The Silent Revolution in Dentistry Adhesion: The Silent Revolution in Dentistry